In many conflict regions of the world, survivors of war and violence have little access to trauma therapy. On the one hand, there is a lack of well-trained staff in local health care facilities. Besides, mental health and trauma are often associated with stigma and shame.
This is why, together with partner organizations from civil society, we train trauma specialists in several conflict regions and provide them with long-term supervision. Each year, we invite graduates of our training courses in Brazil, Kurdistan-Iraq, Palestine, Central America and Germany to participate in an international refresher and advanced seminar in Germany. At the seminar they deepen their knowledge and network with each other.
What is special about this project is the unique international learning community of trauma specialists, all of whom are committed to the rights of survivors in their home countries. By exchanging experiences and learning together, they are strengthened in their commitment. Thus, a network of trauma experts is created in which the participants learn from each other and give each other impulses for their work.
Dates and Registration
Interested persons from German-speaking countries can register via the zptn. You will find more information at the beginning of each year under Seminars or via our newsletter.
Registrations from our partner countries are handled by our partner organizations.
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“My experience is that a safe space is created here in which we can share our experiences and our pain, and learn from each other. While you were working on your story, I was working on mine. That’s how healing becomes possible. ”
Participant of the International Refresher Seminar