Traumatic experiences have an impact not only at the individual level, but often at the collective level as well. Collective traumas are passed on to the next generation through narratives and values, and can contribute to the emergence or perpetuation of conflict. This is why we support young people in their commitment to peace and dialogue.
International Youth Networks
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, we support young adults from all communities to challenge traditional narratives and engage in dialogue activities. Together, they implement small projects and spread the message of peace.
In Kurdistan-Iraq, we support a network of more than 50 young activists from across the north of the country who are particularly committed to diversity and tolerance.
In Palestine and Israel, we accompany two groups of young people who are confronting hopelessness and believe in the power of dialogue.
![Internationale Jugendnetzwerke](
![Sommerakademie Wings of Hope (1b)](
Summer Academy for Intercultural Dialogue
Every year, we bring together 25 young people from Germany and from the youth networks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kurdistan-Iraq, Palestine and Israel for the Summer Academy for Intercultural Dialogue. For two weeks, they take part in an intensive exchange program at the Labenbachhof in Ruhpolding. After their return, they work to promote dialogue and peaceful coexistence in their countries of origin.